
Wywiad dla Twoja Muza  przeprowadzila Elzbieta Mamos




  • "Mr. Wisniewski ... demonstrated excellent professional qualities! This is a very talented conductor with a passionate expression and clear gestures... Best reviews from the orchestra members and big sympathies from all management staff"

    Elena Kalinovská, ICM Concert Agency

  • "direction inspired and engaged"

    Pizzicato Magazine

  • "following in the tradition of Serge Koussevitsky and Zubin Mehta, both great double bass instrumentalists, Dariusz shows enormous potential for a truly distinguished career in music"

    Prof. Ezra Laderman, Dean, Yale University, School of Music

  • "shows a deep understanding of music and a perfect understanding of instrumental problems and possibilities"

    Patrick Baton, Conservatoire Royal de Musique de Liege

  • "very professional, experienced and talented", "demonstrating a complete grasp of the challenges he faces and successfully executing them" 

    Kerry Turner, composer, hornist of the American Horn Quartet, Virtuoso Horn Duo

  • ..a musician and artist of great sensitivity and accomplishment", "highly gifted conductor whose spirited and intelligent musicianship allied with a profound understanding of orchestras and musical style"

    Bramwell Tovey, Music Director, Vancouver Symphony Orchestra

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